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Become a LabBites Author

The LabBites Team is composed of graduate students, postdocs and early career professionals. Interested in joining our team? Use the button below to apply to write for LabBites. After you publish your first article for LabBites, you will have the opportunity to become a regular contributor. LabBites contributors make a 1 year commitment to write 3-4 articles each year and to peer edit 2-3 articles written by other authors. These articles are short (~800 words) and are written to be accessible and engaging to undergraduate and advanced high school students. Can’t commit to a full year? No problem! We encourage you to still submit your article idea as a guest author.


Writing for LabBites is a great way to build your science communication skills and practice translating scientific and technical jargon to a non-expert audience in digestible, engaging and relatable ways. Prior professional writing and editing is not necessary, however experience conducting lab research and critically analyzing data is required. 


Our goal is to make a space for graduate students and other early career scientists to grow their skills in science education, writing, and the editorial process.


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